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Alex Franco
City: Puebla
Country: Mexico

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Hey guys, Im Alex Franco, im 15 years old. Well, im from Mexico. I WRITE SONGS IN ENGLISH... mainly pop, hip-hop, pop alternative. I have a total of 41 songs written by myself. I love music, its my passion, i know i can be successfull, because i got the talent. I sing, i write, i dance, i play the guitar, and first of all ... i love doing it. This is just not a hobby, ItS my vocation. I help my family by playing in a restaurant, but its not enough. I would do anything to get into this bussiness and be successfull SO, all i need is a good promoter than can really get me into the bussiness, meet people, get contacts. I have a lot of cool ideas about my songs, that include guitar solos, cool efects hip hop style and dance parts. Is a holly new kind of music, is a new style that i know that will like to the new generation of fans, and the old one too. "Alex Franco... Breaking the Paradigm" Im the coolest guy you can promote, i am guaranteeing you success. SO JOIN THE NEW GENERATION.. FRANCO'S GENERATION... AND HELP TO BECOME THE NEW STAR. Feel free to contact me... alxfco4@hotmail.com http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Alex-Franco-ALX-FCO/329236572057?ref=ts Alex Franco

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Michael Jackson Backstreet Boys N-sync (Justin Timberlake) Camila Chris Brown Usher 3OH!3 MYSELF... i combined all this HUGE PERFORMERS and created my own STYLE.

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