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Ron Weijers
songwriter - producerWillem van Veldhuizen
songwriter - producer

Global Frequency Music
Global Frequency - Ron Weijers

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Artist Information
Global Frequency Music independent musical productions From 2001 on, ‘Global Frequency’ independently recorded and released around two CD’s a year. All material has been written and produced by Ron Weijers. On the individual CD projects, he worked together with a wide range of New York and Rotterdam based musicians and the CD projects have been recorded in a variety of recording studios in New York and in Rotterdam over the years. ‘Global Frequency’ independently released a total of nine regular CD projects and participated in several special projects with and for other musicians over the past years. In 2006, the artistic and musical urge, to start up a new ‘Global Frequency’ project, resulted into a range of discussions with the New York based painter and friend Easton Davy on the issue of picking up the challenge to add-on a new challenge and artistic value to the forthcoming tenth ‘Global Frequency’ production. These discussions resulted in the decision to develop the first 'Global Frequency' audio-visual DVD production. The challenge to integrate visual arts capabilities in the disciplines of painting, photography, animation, illustration and graphic design, into the musical productions, triggered the start of the ‘Tabasco Tabernacle’ project. Weijers developed a multiple layered concept for the project. Ten new 'Global Frequency' tracks together with ten art related video clips. In order to coordinate the production of the visual material he teamed up with Easton Davy and together (‘Pulp Vision lab productions’) they invited and stimulated a range of New York and Rotterdam based visual artists to participate with their creative capabilities and work into the new ‘Tabasco Tabernacle’ project. Together with the Dutch painter and musician Willem van Veldhuizen, Weijers teamed up, in order to join hands in the songwriting and production process of the audio material for the production on one hand and his visual arts participation in the project, on the other. Global Frequency Music introduces the Tabasco Tabernacle project an international project for maximum stimulation of audio-visual senses The ‘Tabasco Tabernacle’ project was born. Ron Weijers, Easton Davy and Willem van Veldhuizen in the core, together with the fellow artists: painter Joe Davis (US), photographer Max Dereta (NL), painter Ben Game (NL), photographer Toni Dalton (US), collage artist and painter Carolien Vermeulen (NL), painter and illustrator Pieter Zandvliet (NL) and photographer Joke Schot (NL), they teamed up in order to guarantee the high-end artistic values of the visual content for the ‘Tabasco Tabernacle’ DVD production they had set. Ron Weijers and Willem van Veldhuizen initiated the song writing on the audio content and in collaboration with a wide range of studio musicians (US/NL) and the project evolved into reality. In order to put an accent on the artistic values of the project they decided to release a limited edition ‘Tabasco Tabernacle ArtBox’, with hand painted covers by Ron Weijers, Easton Davy and Willem van Veldhuizen, containing the new Tabasco Tabernacle DVD, a book with facts and information on the project and a presentation of the participating artists, a limited edition CD with all previous released Global Frequency CD’s in mp3 format and a set of ten numbered and signed high quality glicee prints with art work from the participating artists. The ‘ArtBox’ together with a series of exhibitions and presentations of the project within the gallery circuit guaranteed the artistic visual values of the project. The release and distribution of the regular DVD towards the music stores and the release and distribution of the book together with the DVD towards the bookstores guaranteed the musical values of the project. Next thing to come - Global Frequency & Pulp Vision Lab Productions going 'live' with the Tabasco Tabernacle project. We will keep you posted on future events.

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