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Mission Statement: N Rock United is part of the musical outreach of the Mason Lindley Miracle Foundation.This non-profit organization allows musicians to unite to share their heart,compassion and talent to help children facing medical challenges. I know what their contributions mean on a personal level as my son, Mason, was a miraculous survivor of a tragic accident involving a riding lawnmower. His story is the passion that drives me to make miracles possible for other children who; along with their parents; face the fear of the unknown. Whether they face chronic or unexpected illness or even tragedy from accidents, these families all seek hope. The courage of these children can truly inspire and bless those around them. The artists involved in N Rock United have received that blessing and inspiration from Mason's story. Now they are ready to turn the music world on its ear and become difference makers in the lives of many more children. The intent of N Rock United is to advocate and support medically related children's charites. The hope is to support through profits from compilation cd's, selected performances and by volunteering time and talent to organizations that focus on both the children and ther families. Respectfully, Chuck Lindley, Founder/Executive Director of The Mason Lindley Miracle Foundation

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"In this current climate of Bob Geldof and big names doing big things, I think it's important to remember that EVERYBODY has SOMETHING to offer. I have been given a gift of song, and it isn't mine to keep to myself, it's to share. What better legacy can we leave than to teach our children that philanthropy is part of humanity. If we don't invest in our children, we are looking at a finite existence." V.K. Lynne (V.K. Lynne's Official Website) Music is an emotional and artistical expression of our feelings. We allow our life experiences to shape and mold those feelings which by music is created. Whether it be a song or any other art form there is always a sense of vulnerablilty. Ultimately music is not really just music and a song is never really a just a song. It is a connection between an expression,a feeling , an experience, and an emotion that is all wrapped into one to which people can relate. We rely on music to help us get through so many things in our life. We draw energy ,strength and power from music we connect with to get us through and to see HOPE. I feel being part of N Rock United allows me as an artist/performer/songwriter to be part of something that will change lives of everyone it comes into contact with such an amazing story of HOPE. We live in a world that needs HOPE, LOVE, and FAITH. I have no doubt that through N Rock United the world will see through the eyes of a little boy named Mason who had just that. His legacy will last for generations, touching people in a way that adults with jaded ideaologies could never come close to. If we live each day embracing the light of bringing a little sunshine and a ray of HOPE into someones life; we CAN make a difference! Lance Gilbreath,Buckler (Buckler Official Website) "I knew at a very early age that God wanted to use me for something great. All I ever felt I had to offer was my music. God is graciously allowing me to contribute what I love to do most." Whitney Steele(Whitney Steele Official Website) "I'm so very honored to be a part of N Rock United and everything that it represents. Mason Lindley's story is both heartwrenching and heartwarming and I'm truly inspired by his family's vow to keep his memory alive with their mission to help other children in need. Thanks so very much to Chuck and everyone at N Rock United for inviting me to donate the gift of my music to help make a difference in the lives of children and their families who need our help. Much love to all." Kimberly Caldwell(Kimberly Caldwell Official Website)
Much too often people live this life just passing by, without any concern of the needs of others. It's a privilege to be part of a cause that refuses to look away from those needs, especially the needs of our children! It is an honor for us, that in some small way through our music, we can be a part of those who are willing to make a difference in this world!" Jack Marques, Mars Hill (Mars Hill Official Website)
"The Way is extremely honored to be able to give something to such a wonderful cause, having 3 children of my own only touches the soul even more. There is to much greed in the world and not enough people willing to give to others. Life is a gift to us and I am glad I can use my gift to make a difference for the better." Charlie Calv, The Way www.the-way.biz (The Way Official Website) "It is an honor to have my music be a part of something so meaningful. Knowing that the music can make a difference and touch the lives of so many ill children and their families is truly the most humbling of experiences. The Children's Miracle Network and N Rock United are excellent organizations and represent a kind-doing nature that should be mirrored more often." Manny Trevin (Manny Trevin's Official Website) "Radiocraft is proud to be involved with Chuck Lindley's N Rock United. We greatly admire people like Chuck who give selflessly to help those in need especially when the victims are children. Caring people can make a lifetime worth of difference to a child, and we applaud the generosity and compassion of everyone involved at N Rock United and Children's Miracle Network. Radiocraft has always been passionate about our music. Our songs carry a lot of meaning for us, and each tells a story about humanity. We believe N Rock United and the Children's Miracle Network serve as examples of the good that we are all capable of, and that's why we're glad & honored to lend our music to this great cause. We will fuel your compassion for the little ones, with the passion in our music." Suzie Ferro, Radiocraft (Radiocraft's Official Website) "N Rock United is truly an inspring cause to us. We are honored to be a part of an organization that raises money for children in need and also gives them strength through music. Too often it is easy to go through your life without stopping to help others. For us, N Rock United is a great motivator to open our eyes to what is happening and make a difference and I know it will help others to do the same. "Fusion (Fusion's Official Website) "We are moved by Masons story and the strength displayed by the Lindley family through what we can only imagine to be a very life changing experience. Chucks efforts, as well as the rest of the N Rock staff, allow artists like us to offer support from the medium we know best, our music. While most artist would like to think we're making a difference with our music, it's .orgs like N Rock that put those changes into actions. Thank you Chuck for giving Dayfeed the ability to participate in making a true, viable difference." Dayfeed (Dayfeed's Official Website) "Music is the universal language and it's power can move people from complacency to action. DEEJER is very proud to be a part of N Rock United and The Children's Miracle Network. Children are special and deserve a chance for happiness in a world that can be brutal. They are an inspiration and help us to see reality in a different light. Innocence not lost nor forgotten. We hope you will lend your support. Thank you." Chris Didear, Deejer (Deejer's Official Website) "Square One is happy to be a part of helping children in need. Let there be rock!" Square One from Melbourne,Austrailia (Square One's Official Website) "We strongly believe in the power of music to help and heal and have all experienced this force in our own lives. We would be truly honored to have the opportunity to give something back to a world that has blessed us with ability to write and perform music." MORE (MORE's Official Website) "Borderline is very honored and proud to be a part of the N Rock United Organization. Many times people lose loved ones and we believe organizations such as these will help us to remember those closest to us that are sick, or who have passed away. Thank you Chuck, this is a great cause and we are happy to support it all the way." Borderline from Vancouver,British Columbia (Borderline's Official Website)

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